Freja Forum - Assembly of Macedonia

Tatjana and Kristijan from BioRevit Instiute had the honor of attending the 13th Freja Forum in Skopje. This significant event aimed to build capacity for strengthening social structures, democracy, and equal opportunities through the development of non-profit organizations in the Western Balkans, Turkey, Sweden, and other EU countries.

The forum highlighted the importance of fair digitalization and emphasized that non-profit organizations and other stakeholders must be better prepared and knowledgeable about creating a fair digital future.

Dr. Risteska's presentation on the CRPM research titled "Girls in ICT" was a key highlight. The research revealed the deeply rooted societal norms that influence young girls to pursue traditional roles in female-dominated sectors, often discouraging them from aiming for leadership positions or exploring non-traditional career paths. The presentation also addressed the ongoing gender segregation in the labor market, both horizontally and vertically, and the need for systemic change to address these inequalities. Tatjana and Kristijan participation in the 13th Freja Forum provided them with valuable insights and reinforced BioRevit's commitment to promoting innovation, equity, and digital transformation in the community.
